The Ultimate Guide to Estate Cleanouts: Navigating the Junk Removal Process with Ease 

As industry professionals in junk removal, we understand that estate cleanouts can be emotionally and logistically challenging tasks. Whether you’re managing the estate of a loved one who has passed away or overseeing the downsizing of your own property, the process of decluttering and disposing of belongings requires careful planning and consideration. In this guide, […]

Get Lucky with The Junk Movement: 3 Ways to Make Every Day Green 

get lucky

Welcome to The Junk Movement! We’re not just a junk removal company; we’re champions of the environment. Witness the transformation of waste management into a sustainable and eco-friendly endeavour. In this blog, we’ll explore three key ways the junk movement is shaping a greener future, and how you can be a part of it while […]

The 30-Day Zero Waste Challenge: A Year-Round Guide to Sustainable Living 

zero waste challenge

At The Junk Movement we, the advocate for change, are embracing a collective effort to redefine our relationship with waste and champion sustainability. The “30-Day Zero Waste Challenge” offers a year-round roadmap to align your actions with eco-conscious living. Welcome to a transformative journey that invites you to weave sustainable practices into the fabric of […]

Revitalize Your Space: The Importance of Appliance Removal for Modern Living 

modern living

As the new year dawns upon us, many individuals embark on the journey of upgrading their homes with modern appliances. The allure of advanced technology, energy efficiency, and sleek designs prompts us to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. However, the challenges of disposing of these outdated appliances can be a daunting […]

A Green Christmas: Recycling and Junk Removal Tips for a Sustainable Holiday Season 

green christmas

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and, unfortunately, excess waste. From festive decorations to gift wrapping, the environmental impact can be significant. At The Junk Movement, we believe in a green Christmas that not only brings joy to your home but also minimizes our ecological footprint. In this blog, we’ll share practical […]

Psychology of Decluttering for a Joyful Christmas 

psychology of decluttering

The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and spending quality time with loved ones. However, for many of us, it can also be a time of stress and overwhelming clutter. As we dive into the festivities, the extra decorations, gifts, and seasonal items can quickly turn our homes into disorganized chaos. This is […]

Winter-Ready Appliance Disposal 

Winter appliance disposal

In the heart of winter, when the temperature drops to sub-zero levels, the last thing you want to deal with is old, unwanted appliances. Yet, they need to go. The Junk Movement understands the unique challenges of winter, including the need for winter appliance disposal, and has made it our mission to make appliance removal […]

The Importance of Hiring a Licensed and Insured Junk Removal Specialist 

Licensed and Insured Junk Removal Specialist

When it comes to decluttering your home, office, or construction site, hiring a professional junk removal specialist is the best decision you can make. However, not all junk removal services are created equal. It’s essential to choose a company that is not only experienced but also licensed and insured to ensure a smooth and worry-free […]

Is Your Furniture Haunted or Hauntingly Old?


Venturing into the shadows of Grandma’s attic or basement? You might stumble upon items that seem to hold a ghostly presence, as if they’ve witnessed countless eerie nights. Distinguishing between authentic antique furniture and furniture with a ghostly façade can be spine-tingling. In an age of convincing replicas, it’s challenging to decipher the spectral history […]